Indoor vs Outdoor Classroom

Posted by Unknown on 16.58 in
Tugas yang saya posting kali ini  adalah tugas upper intermediate speaking yang entah gak tahu kenapa kita justru disuruh bikin paper. Tapi sebagai mahasiswa manut dan taat pada dosen saya dan teman-teman sekelompok saya pun tak mempermasalahkannya. Well..here it is..
Education is important for everyone to improve the society in general and the person’s life in private. The way of teaching considered to be changeable from one to another. It is also happen in system of education in Indonesia which has been changing recently. For years ago, the system of teaching that is used is only indoor classroom which means all of teaching activities are done in the classroom. Students sit on their desk regularly, wear uniform, and pay full attention to their teacher who gives explanation in front of the class from morning until afternoon. Students are also given homework and regular examination to measure how far they understand the subject they got from school. For certain subject they will have group discussion, quiz, or games. Unfortunately those activities are seldom to be done. Most of teachers only focus on text books and exercises. This situation can make the students feel bored. That is why most of schools nowadays do not apply indoor classroom only, but they also try to make some teaching activity in outdoor classroom.
According to Orion and Hofstein (1994) there are three type of learning environment, they are the classroom, the laboratory, and outdoors. Refers to those three types of learning environments, the government and the academician try to compose the best proportion for teaching activity. It is usually 70% for indoor classroom and 30% for outdoor classroom and laboratory activity. Even some schools, especially private schools, make their own teaching system by using full outdoor classroom. It means that almost all teaching activities are done in outdoor classroom. The students of school which use outdoor classroom usually do not wear uniform. They can wear whatever they want as long as it still on the proper way. These school usually also give teaching in more casual way. The teachers are friendlier and the lesson they taught usually always correlated with natural environment.
Although outdoor classroom seems more fun to do, but most of society still believe that indoor classroom is better. They thought that indoor classroom activity is more organized than outdoor. But for some parent, nowadays they prefer school that provide outdoor classroom for their children because in their opinion by studying outdoor their children will get more advantages and experiences.
Teaching is an activity that is done by teacher with transferring the knowledge to the student. Most of teaching activity is usually done in the classroom. But lately, some school, especially private school, try to make new education system by doing teaching activity in outdoor. Both indoor classroom and outdoor classroom system have their own goodness and weakness. Below are some examples of school that has indoor classroom system and outdoor classroom system.
  1. Indoor Classroom
Most of school in Indonesia, in particular state school, is conducted in indoor classroom, for example SMA 8 Jakarta, SMA 3 Semarang, SMAK 1 BPK Penabur Jakarta, etc. Almost all learning activities are done in the classroom. There are some methods of learning in this kind of class:
  1. Speech method. The main role for this method is the teacher. The teacher as the speaker gives long explanation to the student as the listener. The weakness of this method is can make the student feel bored easily.
  2. Discussion method. In this method, the student is divided into some group. They have some topics and discuss it together. The role of the teacher in this class is as mediator and solver problem if they meet difficulty. This method is much better than speech method because both teacher and student must involve to discussion.
  3. Experimental method. It is a method that makes the student need to proof something or hypothesis by doing experiment. In this method, student have some chances to observe, analyze, and make conclusion for their experimental object. The teacher role of the teacher in this activity is to guide the students so that they will not do it in the wrong way.
Beside those methods above, there still some other method that is used by teacher to make the student feel more attracted to the subject so that the boredom can be reduced.
  1. Outdoor Classroom
The school that use outdoor classroom usually is a nature-based school. Some famous school or teach group that use outdoor classroom system are:
  1. Sekolah Alam Bogor
Sekolah Alam Bogor is located in Jl. P. Ash-Shogiri 150 Kel. Tanah Baru Kec. Bogor Utara Kotamadya Bogor, Jawa Barat. The educational concepts of this school are nature environment as space for education, nature environment as media and source of teaching, and nature environment as object of learning. Experiential learning is one of the methods that are used for teaching. Beside that there is also outbound training for developing student’s leadership and developmental on their entrepreneurship’s skill for their future. Some event that is held by this school: Saguling Expedition, Daily Activity, Outbound, Education and Social Gathering, Home Visit, Family Day, Market Day, Aqua Play, Farming, Camping, etc.
  1. Kandank Jurank Doang
Kandank Jurang Doang (KJD) is a nature-oriented school which is founded by one of famous artist and activist in Indonesia, Dik Doank, in 1993. This school is located in Sawah Baru, Ciputat, Tangerang. KJD’s curriculum of teaching is more focuses on arts, for instance music, dance, and paint. Dik Doank hopes that he could help children out there who are not so good at logic but very outstanding at art and social life so that they can get enough knowledge and experience to face their real life in society. Creativity and empathy are the basic principal use in KJD’s teaching system. This school also frees from tuition, so the parents who do not have enough money for paying schools’ fee not need to feel worry about their children’s education. KJD also provides good teacher, even sometime Dik Doang would invite his friends to give tutorial about how to make batik, handicraft, and play traditional music. Facilities for this school are complete enough; there are wide field for football, half-circle stage, studio, multimedia room, libraries, mosque, fish pond, playing ground, outing area, farm, and small lake.
  1. School of Life Lebah Putih
Another example of schools that use outdoor classroom is School of Life Lebah Putih which is located in Jl. Sidomulyo RT 11/RW06 Ngawen, Salatiga. This school provides some activities, for instance:
  1. Intellectual Curiosity
It tries to increase the curiosity of the student, so they will enjoy for asking something new for them. This activity also helps the student to face every challenge bravely.
  1. Art of Discovery
It helps the students to increase their curiosity of new discovery, organize the idea and to solve some problems they encountered.
  1. Creative Imagination
This activity is used for encourage the students to express their opinion.
  1. Noble Attitude
It tries to maintain good characters and spiritual aspect of students.
  1. Morning Activities
It is an activity in the morning. Its purpose is for developing morning spirit of the children to study.
    1. Indoor Classroom Advantages and Disadvantages
      1. Advantages
-          It could help student to gain best scores in school because the teacher really focuses on material.
-          It is easier for the teacher to have control to their student.
-           Indoor provides more information than outdoor because it can accommodate large class and every student has an equal opportunity to listen their teacher.
-          In a short time, The teacher can explain a lot of  topics and the teacher can use her time and energy more efective.
-           It does not too hard to organize the class and absence of textbooks does not prevent the process of the lesson.
  1. Disadvantages
-          Group activities are difficult to be available
-          It could help the student to gain best scores in school but it would not be instead of the competition between student.
-          Some student doesn’t understand the  information. The lesson run boring and student become passive. Altought  some student actives, they just only make a note.
-          Creativity doesn’t developed
-          It is difficult to know whether each student understand the whole explanation. because the given concepts and topics more quickly forgotten.
-           Less involves all the senses of student because it causes student just to “learn to memorize”.
  1. Outdoor Classroom Advantages and Disadvantages
    1. Advantages
-          Outdoor teaching gives the student the opportunity to be in a team to cooperate with others, learn how to share his opinion with them as well as how to deal with any other’s idea and develop it.
-          The student can get so many new information and experience by studying with nature.
-          Outdoor lesson provides real experiences and more understanding of information
-          Outdoor lesson improves student learning of motivation and success beacause the concepts and topics is able to understand by student
-          Student become active and student can remember the facts
-          Student are more happy, excited and outdoor lesson makes that the world as a classroom
  1. Disadvantages
-          The common subject is not the main priority
-          If the weather does not good, such as there are heavy rain or storm, so the teaching activity will get into trouble especially if the school doesn’t have proper class.
-          Student will be less concentration
-           It is difficult to manage the student condition in outdoor
-          A lot of time, cost, and energy will be taken because the teacher is more intensive in guiding.
-          The study concept is sometimes contaminated by other students or
-          other groups because of their curiosity.
Based on those explanations above, we believe that teaching is inevitable for everyone and should be done in the best way to get best results. But, there is no teaching system which absolutely perfect. Each system certainly has its advantages and disadvantages. Education should be acknowledged by indoor and outdoor teachings accompany and that would help to bring up talent people who can give a better transformation in his socity.  And we do believe that by implementing both systems will provide better results.
MARGANI RAHMA S.          13020111120008
DENI SATRIYO                     13020111120009
ARDHIS SEPTI E.R               13020111120010
DIMAS RIZAL                        13020111130023
YOSEF BHAKTI                    13020111130024
NAMASHKARA GILANG        13020111130025
PS: yang mau copas monggo, tapi sertakan linknya yaa :)


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