Bulatkan Tekadmu, eh?

Posted by Unknown on 08.26 in ,
Dua hari yang lalu saya baru aja nyelesaian tugas kenegaraan yang teramat sangat penting (baca: bayar kos sama KRSan). Dua hal tersebut merupakan hal -err cukup membuat saya merasa kerepotan karena otomatis liburan saya yang begitu khidmat dan agung menjadi terganggu. Tapi yaa mau gimana lagi.. itu satu-satunya cara agar saya bisa melanjutkan kehidupan perkuliahan saya dengan tenang dan damai bahagia sehat sentausa.

Sebenernya kalo cuma bayar kos sih enteng yak, bisa sehari langsung kelar. Tapi...yang satunya itu tuh yang bisa bikin saya keki abis-abisan! Paling males deh kalo harus nemuin yang terhormat dosen wali buat minta persetujuan krs sambil ngambil khs. Rempongnya itu loh yang bikin kagak nahan.. hhhhh

Awalnya sih semua lancar, sampai pas saya mau minta tanda tangannya The Majesty ternyata..... si bapak udah balik! Padahal udah perjuangan banget tuh buat nge-print. Pake ngelawan jutsu seribu virus lagi, huaaaa.. 

Akhirnya saya dan temen-temen mutusin buat ngotot nunggu si bapak buat minta tanda tangan. Yaa siapa tau aja si bapak bakal nongol lagi gituu.. Tik..tik..tik.. Gak terasa udah berjam-jam kami nunggu, dan yaahh.. we could not find our happy ending, yet! Berhubung hari udah sore, kita pun mutusin dengan amat sangat berat hati buat nginep di kost, iuuhh.. kalo gak kepepet males deh, mana malemnya jadi batal nonton Naruto the Movie lagi u,u 

Pagi pun menjelang (kegiatan malam hari ga usah diceritain lah yaa :p). Dengan semangat menggebu kami balik lagi ke kampus buat nyoba peruntungan bisa ketemu pak dosen. Sampe kampus langsung nyamperin singgasana kehormatan si bapak yang ternyata masih kosong. Capek nunggu, tempat resepsionis pun jadi persinggahan kami selanjutnya. Si ibuk yang baik hati yang ragu akan asumsi jawabannya punya ide buat nelpon seseorang yang diyakini pasti mengetahui keberadaaan si bapak. Kami tegang. Deg-degan. Keringat dingin mengucur. Jantung jumpalitan. Kami pun koprol. Oke, coret yang terakhir! Gagang telepon ditutup. Ibu resepsionis itu masang senyum-yang-sumpah-mencekam-banget. "Pak xxx ga ada jadwal hari ini mbak.."


Daun-daun pun berguguran, angin berhembus begitu kencangnya, dan kami mematung.
Alamak! Miapah bangettt.. Kalo ga inget saat itu saya lagi di kampus mungkin saya udah ngunyah pohon palem deh =.= Bete, jelas. Ga usah ditanya lagi lah ya gimana keselnya. Udah kebayang aja nih di otak bakal nginep semalem lagi di kostan. Oh, no! 

Untung seribu untung saya punya temen yang baiknya sumpah deh, baiiiikkkkkkk banget.. mereka mau-mau aja nolongin buat saya titipin tanda tangan si bapak, hahahaha.Yah, sebenernya gambling juga sih, soalnya kan beliau itu rada-rada angel sama masalah titip menititip. Dengan tekat sebulat bumi, saya dan satu temen saya nekat pulang. Sabodo teuing dah sama urusan tanda tangan, yang penting mah udah dapet persetujuan.

Tapi ternyata....jeng-jeng-jeng..

Mereka berhasil buat ngedapetin tanda tangan beliau!! Dora pun menyanyikan anthemnya saat berhasil menyelesaikan misi sambil goyang itik. Entah, make pelet apa saya ga tau dan ga gitu peduli, yang penting urusan bisa beres, kekeke..

Akhirnya deh ya, akhirnya.. Perjuangan menuntaskan misi kenegaraan itu pun memperoleh satu happy ending. Dan pastinya.. Hontou ni arigatou gozaimashita buat kawan-kawankuuu.. Finally.. saya pulaaaang denga tenang mameeen..

Ini nih para heroines dan hero saya.. :D




Ehm.. pesan moral yang saya dapet dari pengalaman ini adalah.. udahh.. kalo mau nekat 'nakal' mah sekalian aja, biar Tuhan juga meridhoi.. kalo kita yakin, pasti deh hasilnya malah positif, hahaha *plaaakk
Sekali lagi nuhuuun sanget yak temaaaans~ :D
Saranghae~ :p :p




Suki da~ :p

Posted by Unknown on 21.36 in ,
Di penghujung tahun 2012 lalu, saya dapet video dari salah seorang temen. Sebenernya video lama sih. Lama banget malah, wong video itu udah dibikin dari tahun 2008. Video itu isinya piano battle antara Taeyang Big Bang dan Junsu JYJ. Awalnya sih saya ga gitu suka sama video plus lagunya, tapi... lama-lama saya malah jadi kecanduan dan melting ga jelas tiap muter video ataupun dengerin mp3-nya, haha

Video diawali dengan dentingan piano dari Taeyang yang mengcover lagu Don't Wanna Try-nya Frankie J. Aw.. Sh*i! He's so sweet! Abis performa dari Taeyang, tanpa nunggu jeda yang berarti, Junsu mulai menarikan jemarinya di atas tuts berwarna monokrom itu sekalian dibarengi dengan suara merdu yang membawakan My Everything-nya 98 degrees. Gila! Keren banget dah!!

Dibawah ini saya cantumin lirik dari masing-masing lagu, ehm, versi mereka tentunya. hehehe

Taeyang-Don't Wanna Try

I can't believe u had the nerve to say the things u said
They hurt so bad that they ended our relationship
I can't believe it... 4 years gone down the drain
Oh how I wish things would of happened so differently
I try'd to save it so many times but you still couldn't see
U kept insistin' and resistin' that u would not fall again
And now ur tryin' to tell me that ur sorry
And ur tryin' to come back home
Ur tellin' me u really need me crying beggin both knees are on the floor
Baby I
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsty.com/tae-yang-dont-wanna-try-lyrics.html ]
Don't wanna try don't wanna try don't wanna try no more
U keep insisting when u know our love is out the door
Don't wanna try don't wanna try cuz all we do is fight and say the things
That hurt so bad to where we both begin to cry
Don't wanna try don't wanna try I 'bout just had enough it's been a rough
Baby just let it go
Don't wanna try don't wanna try don't wanna try no more
Tell me what's the use of holdin' on when all we do is hurt our love

Don't wanna try don't wanna try don't wanna try no more

Don't wanna try don't wanna try cuz all
Don't wanna try don't wanna try I
Don't wanna more 

Yang ini My Everything nih..

My Everything-Xiah Junsu
The loneliness of nights alone, the search for strength to carry on
My every hope has seemed to die, my eyes had no more tears to cry
Then like the sun shining up above, you surrounded me with your endless love
Coz all the things I couldn't see are now so clear to me

You're the breath of life in me, the only one that sets me free
And you have made my soul complete for all time, for all time

Chorus :
You are my everything, nothing your love won't bring
My life is yours alone, the only love I've ever known
Your spirit pulls me through when nothing else will do
Every night I pray on bended knee
That you will always be my everything

[Chorus] x 2

Oh my everything

Source: http://www.lyrics59.com/My-Everything-lyrics-1876350.html

Yang mau donlod/nonton videonya...

Kalo mau mp3-nya...

Taeyang vs Junsu

Selamat menikmati...



Winter Fairy

Posted by Unknown on 21.18 in ,
Winter Fairy

A new born breeze awakens my heart,
as it rolls through the air,
and begins to play with my hair.
So I wake with a start,
and look at this new world around me.
The sun just rises as I yawn,
and it glistens off the new snow
upon which my feet plan to go.
In this early morning dawn,
I look around and see.
The trees glisten under the weight
of last night’s snowfall
that piled the banks tall
leaving them in a beautiful state.
I smile with glee.
The river rushes by,
for it does not like the sweet cold,
but the lakes stay to see what shall unfold.
my breath freezes up as I utter a sigh,
but the cold does not hinder me.
 I walk among the pastures
to see what this winter will bring
and as I do, the wind begins to sing,
causing the fresh snow to stir
wild, untamed, beautiful, and free.
I thank the winter’s gift to me
and continue to roam upon the snow,
silently begging it to not to go.
It is this wonderland that I love to see,
For I am the Winter Fairy.


Deformed Angel

Posted by Unknown on 21.17 in ,
Deformed Angel

A deformed angel
lies broken and torn,
Ssripped of her wings,
and with lost beauty.
Scars from when
she tripped and fell,
leaving lines on her back,
from the wing she lacks.
Exiled on earth
to loathe and mourn,
here to stay;
never to pray.
throat going hoarse,
I beg you to sing!
Bring back the spirit
that was a lit!
forget the lines
upon your back,
and open your eyes to see
everything you are missing.
Angel, rise!
And come again!
Grow your wings and see
that you are me.


Take Me to the Moon

Posted by Unknown on 21.15 in ,

Take Me to the Moon

Find me a boy
who will travel the world with me
and at the end
he will say I was the best thing he saw.
He will be kind
and give me everything I want
even though
I ask for absolutely nothing.
Beneath the stars,
he will recite Shakespeare
and sing
while looking into my eyes.
When sad,
he will be there to dry my tears
without me
having even to call upon him.
He will spend hours
playing with me in the snow
and only after;
will he say that he is freezing?
Will he go fishing?
And as the sun sets we will swim.
And on the sand,
he will ask me where I want to go.
He will hold my hand
and I will tell him as the sun goes down,
“Take me to the moon”
and, smiling, he will say yes.
He will tell me
that we will look at earth from above
and never
will we be separated from each other.
Find me this boy,
for I have searched everywhere
to no prevail.


The Way the Wind Blows

Posted by Unknown on 21.12 in ,
The Way the Wind Blows

Looking out
towards the sea,
as the waves crash
around me.
They reach up
to where I stand,
safe for now.
On dry land,
but I teeter
on my toes,
as behind me
the wind blows.
No point resisting:
I have for too long.
So I give in
to the wind’s sweet song.
skinny and frail,
 I think of the past,
wishing for
the fall to last.
Never loved,
and too smart
with no hope
of a fresh start.
Down I fall
to greet the sea
my crown falling
just past me
and my dress billows
out, with my locks.
I see not the sea
but sharp rocks.

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